Episode 14: 12ø Collective (w/ eva duerden + Lou Macnamara)
A square color digital drawing of a white light burst in the bottom left hand corner of the image from which teal diamonds, lime green and red lines, light blue clouds, and a pink face with light blue features are emanating.

Image Credit: Giulia Ratti


12ø was a collective motivated by interesting processes rather than shiny exhibitions. We created projects that exploit the gaps in our knowledge and our eagerness to learn.

We strove to create a programme that promoted, challenged, and encouraged artistic practice in all its manifestations rather than scoring points for the CV. For us to do this, it was paramount that we had an open, flexible, and supportive approach, catering to artists' development and their individual needs.


eva is a third of the group formally known as 12ø. They are a quasi artist/designer in Berlin but still make works that prod their definitions of 'aspiration', 'cheating', through bootleg kopfkino props.


Lou Macnamara is a London-based Cinematographer, Camera Operator and Technician across a range of projects. Their recent cinematography credits include, ‘Passing Through’ (2023) a short film for Trans Media Watch, ‘The Miracle on George Green’ (2022) an artist film by Onyeka Igwe and ‘Call Us CRIPtic’ (2022) a documentary behind the scenes at the Barbican Theatre.

Lou has also co-directed investigative documentary ‘Keenie Meenie’ (2020) for Declassified and artist moving image hybrid project ‘It’s Personal’ (2021) commissioned by Film Video Umbrella.


12ø Collective TTWCA Archive Excerpt

12ø Collective Website

12ø Collective Instagram

eva duerden Instagram

Lou Macnamara Website

Lou Macnamara Instagram

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