Matilda Moors

Interview Excerpt Transcript

Matilda Moors is an artist and educator working with sculpture, writing, and installation. Thematically her work deals with consumption, conformity, bodies, girlish-ness and anxiety. Politically it makes the case for playfulness as an act of resistance. 

She has exhibited through out the UK and internationally at galleries and institutions including; The Horse Hospital (London), Scai the Bathhouse (Tokyo), Five Years Gallery (London), The Royal Standard (Liverpool), Supercollider (Blackpool), Strange Cargo (Folkstone), and The Royal Academy (London). Moors was a founding member of School of the Damned, an unaccredited MA course run by its students to provide artists who cannot afford to study access to educational development and co-ran SAUNA, a project space for emerging practitioners to stage exhibitions which were experimental and/or anarchic in nature.